- dates
Dates in ascending order.
Can be character strings or strptime
as accepted (and coerced) by as.Date
- values
Values to be mapped in color with colPoints
- data
Optional: data.frame with the column names as given by dates and values
- drange
Optional date range (analogous to xlim), can be a vector like
. Can also be numerical years, in which case
"-01-01" is appended. DEFAULT: NA (computed from dates
- vrange
Optional value range (analogous to ylim), can be a vector like
. DEFAULT: NA (computed from values
- shift
Number of days to move the year-break to.
E.g. shift=61 for German hydrological year (Nov to Oct). DEFAULT: 0
- janline
Logical: Should horizontal line be plotted at
January 1st if shift!=0
- hlines
Draw horizontal background lines in plot 1? Either FALSE (the default),
TRUE to draw gray background lines at each month start,
or a list of arguments passed to abline
- nmax
Number of annual maxima to be marked, plotted and returned.
Currently, only 0 and 1 are implemented. DEFAULT: 0
- maxargs
List of arguments passed to lines
for annual maxima,
e.g. maxargs=list(type="l", col="red", lty=3)
DEFAULT: NULL (several internal defaults are used, but can be overridden)
- plot
Integer specifying the type of plot.
Can be a vector to produce several plots.
0: none, only return the data.frame with annual maxima.
1: color coded doy (day of the year) over year (the default).
2: Color coded spiral graph with spiralDate
3: Spaghetti line plot with discharge over doy, one line per year.
4: probs
over doy, with optional
aggregation window (width
) around each doy.
5: Annmax over time for crude trend analysis.
- add
Logical. Add to existing plot? DEFAULT: FALSE
- nmin
Minimum number of values that must be present per (hydrological)
year to be plotted in plot type 5. DEFAULT: 100
- probs
Probabilities passed to quantileMean
for plot=4.
DEFAULT: c(0,25,50,75,95,99)/100
- width
Numeric: window width for plot=4. Used as sd in gaussian weighting.
Support (number of values around a DOY passed to
quantile function at least once) is ca 4.9*width.
The value at doy itself is used 10 times.
Larger values of width require more computing time.
- text
Logical. Call textField
if plot=4? DEFAULT: TRUE
- texti
Numerical (vector): indices at which to label the lines.
DEFAULT: seq(200,20,length.out=length(probs))
- textargs
List of arguments passed to textField
for plot=4.
- months
Labels for the months. DEFAULT: J,F,M,A,M,J,J,A,S,O,N,D
- slab, tlab, vlab
Labels for the season, time (year) and values
used on the axes and title of colPointsLegend
DEFAULT: "Month", "Year", substitute(values)
- xlim, ylim
Limits of x and y axis. DEFAULT: NA (specified internally per plot type)
- xaxs, yaxs
x and y Axis style, see par
Use "r" for regular 4% expansion, "i" for in range only.
DEFAULT: NA (specified internally per plot type)
- main, adj
Graph title and offset to the left
passed to title
DEFAULT: "Seasonality", 0.2
- mar, mgp
Parameters specifying plot margin size and labels placement.
DEFAULT: c(3,3,4,1), c(1.7,0.7,0) (Changed for plot 3:5 if not given)
- keeppar
Logical: Keep the margin parameters? If FALSE, they are reset
to the previous values. DEFAULT: TRUE
- legend
Logical. Should a legend be drawn? DEFAULT: TRUE
- legargs
List of arguments passed as legargs
to colPoints
DEFAULT: NULL (internally, plots 3 and 5 have density=F as default)
- returnall
Logical: return all relevant output as a list instead of only
annmax data.frame? DEFAULT: FALSE
- quiet
Logical: suppress progress stuff and colPoints messages?
- ...
Further arguments passed to colPoints
pch, main, xaxs, but not Range (use vrange
Passed to spiralDate
if plot=2
like add, format, lines.