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R library for spawning and managing multiple processes (basic process forking for
R). A paper thin wrapper around fork()
and waitpid()
The package consists of three major functions fork
, wait
, and waitpid
# destination for plots
dest <- "/path/to/dest/"
# example function to be forked
fn <- function() {
Sys.sleep(1) # simulate some work
img_name <- paste("child", i, sep="-")
png(paste(dest, img_name, ".png", sep=""))
plot(0,0, xlim=c(0,2), ylim=c(0,2), type="n") # create canvas
text(1,1, paste("Child [", i, "]: Hello, World!", sep="")) # write text to canvas
starttime <- Sys.time()
# fork the child processes
for(i in 1:10) {
# wait for all processes to finish
endtime <- Sys.time()
print(paste("Total time taken to run 10 1s processes: ",
round(endtime - starttime, 2), "s", sep=""))
# Output: (Time taken may vary)
# Total time taken to run 10 1s processes: 1.68s
# Ten images at `dest` with "Child [<child number>]: Hello, World!" in the center
# example functions to be forked
fn1 <- function() {
Sys.sleep(2) # simulate some work
fn2 <- function() {
Sys.sleep(5) # simulate more work
# fork the processes
pid1 = fork(fn2)
pid2 = fork(fn1)
# wait for both functions to finish
pid1 = waitpid(pid1)
pid2 = waitpid(pid2)
# Output:
# Hello
# Multiple
# Processes
Note:: While the above example does use print
it is not advised to do so when forking
Because time is important, so why waste it.
written forIf you have a R script that calls the same function that has a long runtime
multiple times which also sends its output to a separate file, bfork
for you. E.g. if you're like me and you make a lot of plots in loops (See
Example 1)