It performs a Thematic Evolution Analysis based on co-word network analysis and clustering. The methodology is inspired by the proposal of Cobo et al. (2011).
field = "ID",
n = 250,
minFreq = 2,
size = 0.5,
ngrams = 1,
stemming = FALSE,
n.labels = 1,
repel = TRUE,
remove.terms = NULL,
synonyms = NULL,
cluster = "leading_eigen"
a list containing:
nets | The thematic nexus graph for each comparison | |
incMatrix | Some useful statistics about the thematic nexus |
is a bibliographic data frame obtained by the converting function convert2df
is a character object. It indicates the content field to use. Field can be one of c=("ID","DE","TI","AB"). Default value is field="ID"
is a numeric vector of two or more unique cut points.
is numerical. It indicates the number of words to use in the network analysis
is numerical. It indicates the min frequency of words included in to a cluster.
is numerical. It indicates del size of the cluster circles and is a number in the range (0.01,1).
is an integer between 1 and 4. It indicates the type of n-gram to extract from texts.
An n-gram is a contiguous sequence of n terms. The function can extract n-grams composed by 1, 2, 3 or 4 terms. Default value is ngrams=1
is logical. If it is TRUE the word (from titles or abstracts) will be stemmed (using the Porter's algorithm).
is integer. It indicates how many labels associate to each cluster. Default is n.labels = 1
is logical. If it is TRUE ggplot uses geom_label_repel instead of geom_label.
is a character vector. It contains a list of additional terms to delete from the documents before term extraction. The default is remove.terms = NULL
is a character vector. Each element contains a list of synonyms, separated by ";", that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the vector element). The default is synonyms = NULL
is a character. It indicates the type of cluster to perform among ("optimal", "louvain","leiden", "infomap","edge_betweenness","walktrap", "spinglass", "leading_eigen", "fast_greedy").
starts from two or more thematic maps created by thematicMap
Cobo, M. J., Lopez-Herrera, A. G., Herrera-Viedma, E., & Herrera, F. (2011). An approach for detecting, quantifying,
and visualizing the evolution of a research field: A practical application to the fuzzy sets theory field. Journal of Informetrics, 5(1), 146-166.
function to create a thematic map based on co-word network analysis and clustering.
to compute a bibliographic bipartite network.
to plot a bibliographic network.
data(scientometrics, package = "bibliometrixData")
nexus <- thematicEvolution(scientometrics,field="ID", years=years, n=100,minFreq=2)
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