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bibliometrix (version 4.3.2)

biblioAnalysis: Bibliometric Analysis


It performs a bibliometric analysis of a dataset imported from SCOPUS and Clarivate Analytics Web of Science databases.


biblioAnalysis(M, sep = ";")


biblioAnalysis returns an object of class "bibliometrix".

The functions summary and plot are used to obtain or print a summary and some useful plots of the results.

An object of class "bibliometrix" is a list containing the following components:

Articlesthe total number of manuscripts
Authorsthe authors' frequency distribution
AuthorsFracthe authors' frequency distribution (fractionalized)
FirstAuthorscorresponding author of each manuscript
nAUperPaperthe number of authors per manuscript
Appearancesthe number of author appearances
nAuthorsthe number of authors
AuMultiAuthoredArtthe number of authors of multi-authored articles
MostCitedPapersthe list of manuscripts sorted by citations
Yearspublication year of each manuscript
FirstAffiliationthe affiliation of the first author
Affiliationsthe frequency distribution of affiliations (of all co-authors for each paper)
Aff_fracthe fractionalized frequency distribution of affiliations (of all co-authors for each paper)
COthe affiliation country of the first author
Countriesthe affiliation countries' frequency distribution
CountryCollaborationIntra-country (SCP) and intercountry (MCP) collaboration indices
TotalCitationthe number of times each manuscript has been cited
TCperYearthe yearly average number of times each manuscript has been cited
Sourcesthe frequency distribution of sources (journals, books, etc.)
DEthe frequency distribution of authors' keywords
IDthe frequency distribution of keywords associated to the manuscript by SCOPUS and Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database



is a bibliographic data frame obtained by the converting function convert2df. It is a data matrix with cases corresponding to manuscripts and variables to Field Tag in the original SCOPUS and Clarivate Analytics Web of Science file.


is the field separator character. This character separates strings in each column of the data frame. The default is sep = ";".

See Also

convert2df to import and convert an WoS or SCOPUS Export file in a bibliographic data frame.

summary to obtain a summary of the results.

plot to draw some useful plots of the results.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
data(management, package = "bibliometrixData")

results <- biblioAnalysis(management)

summary(results, k = 10, pause = FALSE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab