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bibliometrix (version 4.3.2)

summary.bibliometrix: Summarizing bibliometric analysis results


summary method for class 'bibliometrix'


# S3 method for bibliometrix
summary(object, ...)


The function summary computes and returns a list of summary statistics of the object of class bibliometrics.

the list contains the following objects:

MainInformationMain Information about Data
AnnualProductionAnnual Scientific Production
AnnualGrowthRateAnnual Percentage Growth Rate
MostProdAuthorsMost Productive Authors
MostCitedPapersTop manuscripts per number of citations
MostProdCountriesCorresponding Author's Countries
TCperCountriesTotal Citation per Countries
MostRelSourcesMost Relevant Sources
MostRelKeywordsMost Relevant Keywords



is the object for which a summary is desired.


can accept two arguments:
k integer, used for table formatting (number of rows). Default value is 10.
pause logical, used to allow pause in screen scrolling of results. Default value is pause = FALSE.
width integer, used to define screen output width. Default value is width = 120. verbose logical, used to allow screen output. Default is TRUE.

See Also

biblioAnalysis function for bibliometric analysis

plot to draw some useful plots of the results.


Run this code
data(scientometrics, package = "bibliometrixData")

results <- biblioAnalysis(scientometrics)


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab