Control ParametersSet and change parameters used for fitting bife
dev_tol = 1e-08,
iter_max = 25L,
trace = FALSE,
rho_tol = NULL,
conv_tol = NULL
The function bife_control
returns a named list of control
tolerance level for the first stopping condition of the maximization routine. The
stopping condition is based on the relative change of the deviance in iteration \(r\)
and can be expressed as follows:
\(|dev_{r} - dev_{r - 1}| / (0.1 + |dev_{r}|) < tol\).
Default is 1.0e-08
unsigned integer indicating the maximum number of iterations in the maximization
routine. Default is 25L
logical indicating if output should be produced in each iteration. Default is FALSE
deprecated; step-halving is now similar to glm.fit2