gtRegControl: Auxiliary for controlling group testing regression
Auxiliary function to control fitting parameters
of the EM algorithm used internally in gtReg
for simple pooling (type = "sp") with method = "Xie"
or for array testing (type = "array").
tol = 1e-04,
n.gibbs = 1000,
n.burnin = 20,
maxit = 500,
trace = FALSE,
time = TRUE
A list with components named as the input arguments.
- tol
convergence criterion.
- n.gibbs
the Gibbs sample size to be used in each E step
of the EM algorithm, for array testing. The default is 1000.
- n.burnin
the number of samples in the burn-in period,
for array testing. The default is 20.
- maxit
maximum number of iterations in the EM algorithm.
- trace
a logical value indicating whether the output should
be printed for each iteration. The default is FALSE.
- time
a logical value indicating whether the length of time
for the model fitting should be printed. The default is TRUE.
This function was originally written as the gt.control
function for the binGroup package. Minor modifications have been
made for inclusion in the binGroup2 package.
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