qqinfo. A 8 component list of quantile and residual plot information.
vmatA matrix of dimensions respathsxlength(intensity), each row being a path from the intensity vector.
AvA matrix of dimensions respathsxlength(intensity), each row an Anscombe-transformed path.
bfvA matrix of dimensions respathsxlength(intensity), each row a binomial Haar-Fisz-transformed path.
vminuslA matrix of the difference between the paths and the mean intensity.
vminuslA matrix of the difference between the Anscombe-transformed paths and the mean intensity.
vminuslA matrix of the difference between the binomial Haar-Fisz-transformed paths and the mean intensity.
Asqresvector of squared residuals of Anscombe-transformed paths.
bfsqresvector of squared residuals of binomial Haar-Fisz-transformed paths.