if (FALSE) {
if (!requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
message('Need igraph installed to run this example')
} else {
# Load the correlation network from MD data
# Read the starting PDB file to determine atom correspondence
pdbfile <- system.file("examples/hivp.pdb", package="bio3d")
pdb <- read.pdb(pdbfile)
# View cna
vmd.cna(net, pdb, launch=FALSE)
## within VMD set 'coloring method' to 'Chain' and 'Drawing method' to Tube
##-- From NMA
pdb.gdi = read.pdb("1KJY")
pdb.gdi = trim.pdb(pdb.gdi, inds=atom.select(pdb.gdi, chain="A", elety="CA"))
modes.gdi = nma(pdb.gdi)
cij.gdi = dccm(modes.gdi)
net.gdi = cna(cij.gdi, cutoff.cij=0.35)
#vmd.cna(net.gdi, pdb.gdi, alpha = 0.7, launch=TRUE)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab