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biomod2 (version 3.4.6)

BIOMOD.EnsembleModeling.out-method: BIOMOD.EnsembleModeling.out getters


Functions to get attributes of BIOMOD_EnsembleModeling outputs


  get_kept_models(obj, ...)
  get_needed_models(obj, ...)



extra arguments (see details)


  1. get_built_models: a character vector indicating set of ensemble-modeling algorithms ran

  2. get_built_models: a character vector indicating the names of ensemble models computed

  3. get_evaluations: an array, a data.frame or a list containing ensemble models evaluation scores

  4. get_kept_models: an character vector indicating names of selected models for ensemble-models building

  5. get_needed_models: an character vector indicating names of all needed models required to build all ensemble-models


… available values :

  • get_evaluations

    • as.data.frame:"logical", ( FALSE by default ) if TRUE, a standardized data.frame will be produced else a list is returned

  • get_kept_models

    • model"character" or "numeric" referring to model names (get_built_models()) or model id

See Also
