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biomod2 (version 3.4.6)

BIOMOD.models.out-methods: BIOMOD.models.out getters


Functions to get attributes of BIOMOD_Modeling outputs


get_predictions(obj, ...)
  get_formal_data(obj, ...)
  get_evaluations(obj, ...)
  get_calib_lines(obj, ...)
  get_variables_importance(obj, ...)
  get_options(obj, ...)
  get_built_models(obj, ...)



extra arguments (see details)


  1. get_predictions: an array (or a data.frame) containing models predictions over calibrating and testing data (those used for evaluate models)

  2. get_calib_lines: an array (or a data.frame) having the same dimension than the output of get_predictions() of logical values. All lines containing TRUE have been used to calibrate the model

  3. get_evaluations: an array, a data.frame or a list containing models evaluation scores

  4. get_variables_importance: an array containing models variables importance

  5. get_options: a "BIOMOD.Model.Options" reporting options used to build individual models

  6. get_formal_data: a "BIOMOD.formated.data" object containing data used for models building and evaluation, or a part of this object

  7. get_built_models: a character vector giving the names of models successfully computed


… available values :

  • get_evaluations

    • as.data.frame:"logical", ( FALSE by default ) if TRUE, a standardized data.frame will be produced else a 4-dimension array is returned

  • get_calib_lines

  • get_predictions (for BIOMOD_Modeling() outputs only)

    • as.data.frame:logical(default FALSE). If TRUE, models predictions will be returned as data.frame rather than array

    • evaluation:logical (default FALSE). If TRUE, model prediction over evaluation data will be returned

  • get_formal_data

    • subinfo:character. Flag defining a specific information to extract from "BIOMOD.formated.data" object. Supported values are:

      • NULL: (default) the whole "BIOMOD.formated.data" object is returned

      • 'MinMax': All explanatory variables ranges returned

      • 'resp.var': Response variables vector returned

      • 'eval.resp.var': Evaluation response variables vector returned

      • 'expl.var': Explanatory variables data.frame returned

      • 'eval.expl.var': Evaluation explanatory variables data.frame returned

      • 'expl.var.names': Explanatory variables names returned

See Also
