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Creating new bit or bitwhich by recycling such vectors
# S3 method for bit rep(x, times = 1L, length.out = NA, ...)# S3 method for bitwhich rep(x, times = 1L, length.out = NA, ...)
# S3 method for bitwhich rep(x, times = 1L, length.out = NA, ...)
An object of class 'bit' or 'bitwhich'
bit or bitwhich object
number of replications
final length of replicated vector (dominates times)
not used
Jens Oehlschlägel
rep(), bit() , bitwhich()
rep(as.bit(c(FALSE, TRUE)), 2) rep(as.bit(c(FALSE, TRUE)), length.out=7) rep(as.bitwhich(c(FALSE, TRUE)), 2) rep(as.bitwhich(c(FALSE, TRUE)), length.out=1)
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