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hailfinder: The HailFinder weather forecast system (synthetic) data set


Hailfinder is a Bayesian network designed to forecast severe summer hail in northeastern Colorado.





The hailfinder data set contains the following 56 variables:
  • N07muVerMo (10.7mu vertical motion): a four-level factor with levels StrongUp, WeakUp, Neutral and Down.
  • SubjVertMo (subjective judgment of vertical motion): a four-level factor with levels StrongUp, WeakUp, Neutral and Down.
  • QGVertMotion (quasigeostrophic vertical motion): a four-level factor with levels StrongUp, WeakUp, Neutral and Down.
  • CombVerMo (combined vertical motion): a four-level factor with levels StrongUp, WeakUp, Neutral and Down.
  • AreaMesoALS (area of meso-alpha): a four-level factor with levels StrongUp, WeakUp, Neutral and Down.
  • SatContMoist (satellite contribution to moisture): a four-level factor with levels VeryWet, Wet, Neutral and Dry.
  • RaoContMoist (reading at the forecast center for moisture): a four-level factor with levels VeryWet, Wet, Neutral and Dry.
  • CombMoisture (combined moisture): a four-level factor with levels VeryWet, Wet, Neutral and Dry.
  • AreaMoDryAir (area of moisture and adry air): a four-level factor with levels VeryWet, Wet, Neutral and Dry.
  • VISCloudCov (visible cloud cover): a three-level factor with levels Cloudy, PC and Clear.
  • IRCloudCover (infrared cloud cover): a three-level factor with levels Cloudy, PC and Clear.
  • CombClouds (combined cloud cover): a three-level factor with levels Cloudy, PC and Clear.
  • CldShadeOth (cloud shading, other): a three-level factor with levels Cloudy, PC and Clear.
  • AMInstabMt (AM instability in the mountains): a three-level factor with levels None, Weak and Strong.
  • InsInMt (instability in the mountains): a three-level factor with levels None, Weak and Strong.
  • WndHodograph (wind hodograph): a four-level factor with levels DCVZFavor, StrongWest, Westerly and Other.
  • OutflowFrMt (outflow from mountains): a three-level factor with levels None, Weak and Strong.
  • MorningBound (morning boundaries): a three-level factor with levels None, Weak and Strong.
  • Boundaries (boundaries): a three-level factor with levels None, Weak and Strong.
  • CldShadeConv (cloud shading, convection): a three-level factor with levels None, Some and Marked.
  • CompPlFcst (composite plains forecast): a three-level factor with levels IncCapDecIns, LittleChange and DecCapIncIns.
  • CapChange (capping change): a three-level factor with levels Decreasing, LittleChange and Increasing.
  • LoLevMoistAd (low-level moisture advection): a four-level factor with levels StrongPos, WeakPos, Neutral and Negative.
  • InsChange (instability change): three-level factor with levels Decreasing, LittleChange and Increasing.
  • MountainFcst (mountains (region 1) forecast): a three-level factor with levels XNIL, SIG and SVR.
  • Date (date): a six-level factor with levels May15_Jun14, Jun15_Jul1, Jul2_Jul15, Jul16_Aug10, Aug11_Aug20 and Aug20_Sep15.
  • Scenario (scenario): an eleven-level factor with levels A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K.
  • ScenRelAMCIN (scenario relevant to AM convective inhibition): a two-level factor with levels AB and CThruK.
  • MorningCIN (morning convective inhibition): a four-level factor with levels None, PartInhibit, Stifling and TotalInhibit.
  • AMCINInScen (AM convective inhibition in scenario): a three-level factor with levels LessThanAve, Average and MoreThanAve.
  • CapInScen (capping withing scenario): a three-level factor with levels LessThanAve, Average and MoreThanAve.
  • ScenRelAMIns (scenario relevant to AM instability): a six-level factor with levels ABI, CDEJ, F, G, H and K.
  • LIfr12ZDENSd (LI from 12Z DEN sounding): a four-level factor with levels LIGt0, N1GtLIGt_4, N5GtLIGt_8 and LILt_8.
  • AMDewptCalPl (AM dewpoint calculations, plains): a three-level factor with levels Instability, Neutral and Stability.
  • AMInsWliScen (AM instability within scenario): a three-level factor with levels LessUnstable, Average and MoreUnstable.
  • InsSclInScen (instability scaling within scenario): a three-level factor with levels LessUnstable, Average and MoreUnstable.
  • ScenRel34 (scenario relevant to regions 2/3/4): a five-level factor with levels ACEFK, B, D, GJ and HI.
  • LatestCIN (latest convective inhibition): a four-level factor with levels None, PartInhibit, Stifling and TotalInhibit.
  • LLIW (LLIW severe weather index): a four-level factor with levels Unfavorable, Weak, Moderate and Strong.
  • CurPropConv (current propensity to convection): a four-level factor with levels None, Slight, Moderate and Strong.
  • ScnRelPlFcst (scenario relevant to plains forecast): an eleven-level factor with levels A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K.
  • PlainsFcst (plains forecast): a three-level factor with levels XNIL, SIG and SVR.
  • N34StarFcst (regions 2/3/4 forecast): a three-level factor with levels XNIL, SIG and SVR.
  • R5Fcst (region 5 forecast): a three-level factor with levels XNIL, SIG and SVR.
  • Dewpoints (dewpoints): a seven-level factor with levels LowEverywhere, LowAtStation, LowSHighN, LowNHighS, LowMtsHighPl, HighEverywher, Other.
  • LowLLapse (low-level lapse rate): a four-level factor with levels CloseToDryAd, Steep, ModerateOrLe and Stable.
  • MeanRH (mean relative humidity): a three-level factor with levels VeryMoist, Average and Dry.
  • MidLLapse (mid-level lapse rate): a three-level factor with levels CloseToDryAd, Steep and ModerateOrLe.
  • MvmtFeatures (movement of features): a four-level factor with levels StrongFront, MarkedUpper, OtherRapid and NoMajor.
  • RHRatio (realtive humidity ratio): a three-level factor with levels MoistMDryL, DryMMoistL and other.
  • SfcWndShfDis (surface wind shifts and discontinuities): a seven-level factor with levels DenvCyclone, E_W_N, E_W_S, MovigFtorOt, DryLine, None and Other.
  • SynForcng (synoptic forcing): a five-level factor with levels SigNegative, NegToPos, SigPositive, PosToNeg and LittleChange.
  • TempDis (temperature discontinuities): a four-level factor with levels QStationary, Moving, None, Other.
  • WindAloft (wind aloft): a four-level factor with levels LV, SWQuad, NWQuad, AllElse.
  • WindFieldMt (wind fields, mountains): a two-level factor with levels Westerly and LVorOther.
  • WindFieldPln (wind fields, plains): a six-level factor with levels LV, DenvCyclone, LongAnticyc, E_NE, SEquad and WidespdDnsl.


Run this code
# load the data and build the correct network from the model string.
res = empty.graph(names(hailfinder))
modelstring(res) = paste("[N07muVerMo][SubjVertMo][QGVertMotion][SatContMoist][RaoContMoist]",
  sep = "")
## Not run: ------------------------------------
# # there are too many nodes for plot(), use graphviz.plot().
# graphviz.plot(res)
## ---------------------------------------------

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab