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bnlearn (version 4.1)

insurance: Insurance evaluation network (synthetic) data set


Insurance is a network for evaluating car insurance risks.





The insurance data set contains the following 27 variables:
  • GoodStudent (good student): a two-level factor with levels False and True.
  • Age (age): a three-level factor with levels Adolescent, Adult and Senior.
  • SocioEcon (socio-economic status): a four-level factor with levels Prole, Middle, UpperMiddle and Wealthy.
  • RiskAversion (risk aversion): a four-level factor with levels Psychopath, Adventurous, Normal and Cautious.
  • VehicleYear (vehicle age): a two-level factor with levels Current and older.
  • ThisCarDam (damage to this car): a four-level factor with levels None, Mild, Moderate and Severe.
  • RuggedAuto (ruggedness of the car): a three-level factor with levels EggShell, Football and Tank.
  • Accident (severity of the accident): a four-level factor with levels None, Mild, Moderate and Severe.
  • MakeModel (car's model): a five-level factor with levels SportsCar, Economy, FamilySedan, Luxury and SuperLuxury.
  • DrivQuality (driving quality): a three-level factor with levels Poor, Normal and Excellent.
  • Mileage (mileage): a four-level factor with levels FiveThou, TwentyThou, FiftyThou and Domino.
  • Antilock (ABS): a two-level factor with levels False and True.
  • DrivingSkill (driving skill): a three-level factor with levels SubStandard, Normal and Expert.
  • SeniorTrain (senior training): a two-level factor with levels False and True.
  • ThisCarCost (costs for the insured car): a four-level factor with levels Thousand, TenThou, HundredThou and Million.
  • Theft (theft): a two-level factor with levels False and True.
  • CarValue (value of the car): a five-level factor with levels FiveThou, TenThou, TwentyThou, FiftyThou and Million.
  • HomeBase (neighbourhood type): a four-level factor with levels Secure, City, Suburb and Rural.
  • AntiTheft (anti-theft system): a two-level factor with levels False and True.
  • PropCost (ratio of the cost for the two cars): a four-level factor with levels Thousand, TenThou, HundredThou and Million.
  • OtherCarCost (costs for the other car): a four-level factor with levels Thousand, TenThou, HundredThou and Million.
  • OtherCar (other cars involved in the accident): a two-level factor with levels False and True.
  • MedCost (cost of the medical treatment): a four-level factor with levels Thousand, TenThou, HundredThou and Million.
  • Cushioning (cushioning): a four-level factor with levels Poor, Fair, Good and Excellent.
  • Airbag (airbag): a two-level factor with levels False and True.
  • ILiCost (inspection cost): a four-level factor with levels Thousand, TenThou, HundredThou and Million.
  • DrivHist (driving history): a three-level factor with levels Zero, One and Many.


Run this code
# load the data and build the correct network from the model string.
res = empty.graph(names(insurance))
modelstring(res) = paste("[Age][Mileage][SocioEcon|Age][GoodStudent|Age:SocioEcon]",
  sep = "")
## Not run: ------------------------------------
# # there are too many nodes for plot(), use graphviz.plot().
# graphviz.plot(res)
## ---------------------------------------------

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab