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boa (version 1.1.8-2)

boa.chain.support: Set Support for Parameters


Modifies the support (range of possible values) for the parameters in the session lists of MCMC sequences.


boa.chain.support(lnames, pnames, limits)


Character vector giving the names of the MCMC sequences over which to apply the changes. If omitted, changes are applied to all sequences.
Character vector giving the names of the parameters whose support is to be modified.
Numeric vector with two elements giving the lower and upper limits, respectively, of the support for the specified parameters. Unbounded lower or upper limits should be specified as -Inf or Inf, respectively.


A logical vector with two elements indicating that the support has been changed for variables in the master list and working list of MCMC sequences, respectively.

Side Effects

The support for each of the specified parameters is changed in the session lists of MCMC sequences.