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boa (version 1.1.8-2)

boa.importBUGS: Import BUGS Data


Import data from BUGS output files.


boa.importBUGS(prefix, path = NULL)


Character string giving the prefix for the files in which the BUGS output is stored. boa.importBUGS() looks for the two files "prefix.ind" and "prefix.out".
Character string giving the directory path in which the file subsides. This argument may be omitted if the file is located in the current working directory. The specified path should not end with a slash(es).


If the data is successfully imported, a matrix is returned whose columns and rows contain the monitored parameters and the MCMC iterations, respectively. The iteration numbers and parameter names are stored in the dimnames of the returned matrix. Otherwise, NULL is returned.

See Also

boa.chain.import, boa.importASCII, boa.importMatrix