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bookdown (version 0.42)

epub_book: The EPUB e-book format


Convert a book to the EPUB format, which is is an e-book format supported by many readers, such as Amazon Kindle Fire and iBooks on Apple devices.


  fig_width = 5,
  fig_height = 4,
  dev = "png",
  fig_caption = TRUE,
  number_sections = TRUE,
  toc = FALSE,
  toc_depth = 3,
  stylesheet = NULL,
  cover_image = NULL,
  metadata = NULL,
  chapter_level = 1,
  epub_version = c("epub3", "epub", "epub2"),
  md_extensions = NULL,
  global_numbering = !number_sections,
  pandoc_args = NULL,
  template = "default"


fig_width, fig_height, dev, fig_caption

Figure options (width, height, the graphical device, and whether to render figure captions).


Whether to number sections.

toc, toc_depth

Whether to generate a table of contents, and its depth.


A character vector of paths to CSS stylesheets to be applied to the eBook.


The path to a cover image.


The path to the EPUB metadata file.


The level by which the e-book is split into separate “chapter” files.


Whether to use version 3 or 2 of EPUB. This correspond to Pandoc's supported output format. "epub" is an alias for "epub3" since Pandoc 2.0 and "epub2" for earlier version.


A character string of Pandoc Markdown extensions.


If TRUE, number figures and tables globally throughout a document (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2, ...). If FALSE, number them sequentially within sections (e.g., Figure 1.1, Figure 1.2, ..., Figure 5.1, Figure 5.2, ...). Note that global_numbering = FALSE will not work with number_sections = FALSE because sections are not numbered.


A vector of additional Pandoc arguments.


Pandoc template to use for rendering. Pass "default" to use Pandoc's built-in template; pass a path to use a custom template. The default pandoc template should be sufficient for most use cases. In case you want to develop a custom template, we highly recommend to start from the default EPUB templates at https://github.com/jgm/pandoc-templates/.