box::set_script_path(path) explicitly tells box the path of a
given script from which it is called; box::script_path() returns the
previously set path.
Both box::script_path and box::set_script_path return
the previously set script path, or NULL if none was explicitly set.
box::set_script_path returns its value invisibly.
character string containing the relative or absolute path to the
currently executing R code file, or NULL to reset the path.
box needs to know the base path of the topmost calling R context (i.e.
the script) to find relative import locations. In most cases, box can
figure the path out automatically. However, in some cases third-party
packages load code in a way in which box cannot find the correct path
of the script any more. box::set_script_path can be used in these
cases to set the path of the currently executing R script manually.