# number of events
nevents <- c(191, 381)
# MDD at final analysis
hrMDD <- 0.8172823
# efficacy boundary
hrEffi <- 0.6508829
# futility boundary --> chosen informally
hrFuti <- 1
# prior specifications
# Normal prior corresponding to information of 50 events in 1:1 randomized trial
hr0 <- 0.7
sd0 <- sqrt(4 / 50)
# flat prior
width1 <- 0.5
height1 <- 1
# compute bpps
thetas <- seq(0.5, 1.35, by = 0.01)
bpp1b <- bpp_1interim_t2e(prior = "normal", successHR = hrMDD, d = nevents,
IntEffBoundary = hrEffi, IntFutBoundary = hrFuti,
IntFixHR = 1, priorHR = hr0, propA = 0.5, thetas = thetas,
priorsigma = sd0)[[1]]
bpp1_1b <- bpp_1interim_t2e(prior = "flat", successHR = hrMDD, d = nevents,
IntEffBoundary = hrEffi, IntFutBoundary = hrFuti,
IntFixHR = 1, priorHR = hr0, propA = 0.5, thetas = thetas,
width = width1, height = height1)[[1]]
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