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bread (version 0.4.1)

bmeta: Helper function generating nrow and colnames for the target file without loading it in memory


Generates a list that can be passed to the bfile_split() function in order to indicate the number of rows and the name of columns in the file. The output can be saved in a variable and provided in the meta_output argument to save time. Counting rows in very large files can take some time.


bmeta(file = NULL, ...)


A list of 2



String. Name or full path to a file compatible with data.table::fread()


Arguments that must be passed to data.table::fread() like 'sep'.


Run this code
file <- system.file('extdata', 'test.csv', package = 'bread')
## Filtering on 2 columns, using regex.
meta_output <- bmeta(file = file)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab