Simulate pollen sources emission for maize crop. The proportion of plants emitting pollen per day (during 12 days) was observed by Fr<U+00E9>d<U+00E9>rique Angevin (Angevin et al. 2008).
timeline = 1:61,
density = runif(1, 7, 11),
pollen = rgamma(1, shape = 1.6, scale = 1/(2 * 10^-7))
A sf object defining sources fields
Vector of interger. Time units (e.g. days) including the pollen emission (for simulation, default is time.max). Minimal value is a vector of 12 days.
Plant density (number of plant by squared meter)
Pollen production (number of grains by plant)
A matrix indexed by sources ID (in rows) and by time ( in columns) whose rows give the values of pollen emission (number of grains) for every source.