Add buffer around each objects of a sf file
dist = 50,
nQuadSegs = 30,
endCapStyle = "ROUND",
joinStyle = "ROUND",
mitreLimit = 1
object of class sfg, sfg or sf
numeric; buffer distance for all, or for each of the elements in x; in case dist is a units object, it should be convertible to arc_degree if x has geographic coordinates, and to st_crs(x)$units otherwise
integer; number of segments per quadrant (fourth of a circle), for all or per-feature
character; style of line ends, one of 'ROUND', 'FLAT', 'SQUARE'
character; style of line joins, one of 'ROUND', 'MITRE', 'BEVEL'
numeric; limit of extension for a join if joinStyle 'MITRE' is used (default 1.0, minimum 0.0)
see package st_buffer for details