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brms (version 2.10.0)

stanvar: User-defined variables passed to Stan


Prepare user-defined variables to be passed to one of Stan's program blocks. This is primarily useful for defining more complex priors, for refitting models without recompilation despite changing priors, or for defining custom Stan functions.


stanvar(x = NULL, name = NULL, scode = NULL, block = "data")



An R object containing data to be passed to Stan. Only required if block = 'data' and ignored otherwise.


Optinal character string providing the desired variable name of the object in x. If NULL (the default) the variable name is directly infered from x.


Line of Stan code to define the variable in Stan language. If block = 'data', the Stan code is inferred based on the class of x by default.


Name of one of Stan's program blocks in which the variable should be defined. Can be 'data', 'tdata' (transformed data), 'parameters', 'tparameters' (transformed parameters), 'model', 'genquant' (generated quantities) or 'functions'.


An object of class stanvars.


Run this code
bprior <- prior(normal(mean_intercept, 10), class = "Intercept")
stanvars <- stanvar(5, name = "mean_intercept")
make_stancode(count ~ Trt, epilepsy, prior = bprior, 
              stanvars = stanvars)
# define a multi-normal prior with known covariance matrix
bprior <- prior(multi_normal(M, V), class = "b")
stanvars <- stanvar(rep(0, 2), "M", scode = "  vector[K] M;") +
  stanvar(diag(2), "V", scode = "  matrix[K, K] V;") 
make_stancode(count ~ Trt + zBase, epilepsy,
              prior = bprior, stanvars = stanvars)
# define a hierachical prior on the regression coefficients
bprior <- set_prior("normal(0, tau)", class = "b") +
  set_prior("target += normal_lpdf(tau | 0, 10)", check = FALSE)
stanvars <- stanvar(scode = "real<lower=0> tau;", 
                    block = "parameters")
make_stancode(count ~ Trt + zBase, epilepsy,
              prior = bprior, stanvars = stanvars)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab