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brms (version 2.22.0)

stancode: Stan Code for Bayesian models


stancode is a generic function that can be used to generate Stan code for Bayesian models. Its original use is within the brms package, but new methods for use with objects from other packages can be registered to the same generic.


stancode(object, ...)

make_stancode(formula, ...)


Usually, a character string containing the generated Stan code. For pretty printing, we recommend the returned object to be of class

c("character", "brmsmodel").



An object whose class will determine which method to apply. Usually, it will be some kind of symbolic description of the model form which Stan code should be generated.


Further arguments passed to the specific method.


Synonym of object for use in make_stancode.


See stancode.default for the default method applied for brms models. You can view the available methods by typing: methods(stancode) The make_stancode function is an alias of stancode.

See Also

stancode.default, stancode.brmsfit


Run this code
stancode(rating ~ treat + period + carry + (1|subject),
         data = inhaler, family = "cumulative")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab