- formula
A formula of the form y ~ x1 + x2 ... | z1 + z2 ...
, the | is used to separate the two groups of input variables.
- data
Data frame from which variables specified in formula
are preferentially to be taken.
- y
(numeric, \(n\)) the response data-vector (NAs not allowed).
- x
(numeric, \(n \times p\)) incidence matrix for variables in group 1.
- z
(numeric, \(n \times q\)) incidence matrix for variables in group 2.
- neurons1
positive integer that indicates the number of neurons for variables in group 1.
- neurons2
positive integer that indicates the number of neurons for variables in group 2.
- normalize
logical, if TRUE will normalize inputs and output, the default value is TRUE.
- epochs
positive integer, maximum number of epochs to train, default 1000.
- mu
positive number that controls the behaviour of the Gauss-Newton optimization algorithm, default value 0.005.
- mu_dec
positive number, is the mu decrease ratio, default value 0.1.
- mu_inc
positive number, is the mu increase ratio, default value 10.
- mu_max
maximum mu before training is stopped, strict positive number, default value \(1\times 10^{10}\).
- min_grad
minimum gradient.
- change
The program will stop if the maximum (in absolute value) of the differences of the F
function in 3 consecutive iterations is less than this quantity.
- cores
Number of cpu cores to use for calculations (only available in UNIX-like operating systems). The function detectCores in the R package
parallel can be used to attempt to detect the number of CPUs in the machine that R is running, but not necessarily
all the cores are available for the current user, because for example in multi-user
systems it will depend on system policies. Further details can be found in the documentation for the parallel package
- verbose
logical, if TRUE will print iteration history.
- contrastsx
an optional list of contrasts to be used for some or
all of the factors appearing as variables in the first group of input variables in the model formula.
- contrastsz
an optional list of contrasts to be used for some or
all of the factors appearing as variables in the second group of input variables in the model formula.
- ...
arguments passed to or from other methods.