All tidying methods return a data.frame without rownames, whose
structure depends on the method chosen.
returns the tidied output of the
lm with one row for each term in the formula.
The columns match those in lm_tidiers.
returns a one-row data.frame with the columns
r.squaredThe percent of variance explained by the model
adj.r.squaredr.squared adjusted based on the degrees of freedom
p.valuep-value from the F test, describing whether the full
regression is significant
dfDegrees of freedom used by the coefficients
logLikthe data's log-likelihood under the model
AICthe Akaike Information Criterion
BICthe Bayesian Information Criterion
df.residualresidual degrees of freedom
augment.speedlm returns one row for each observation, with just one column added:
.fittedFitted values of model