All tidying methods return a data.frame without rownames, whose
structure depends on the method chosen.
tidy returns a data.frame with one row for each term used to predict
the mean, along with at least one term used to predict phi (the inverse of
the variance). It starts with the column component
containing either
"mean" or "precision" to describe which is being modeled, then has the same
columns as tidied linear models or glm's (see lm_tidiers
augment returns the original data, along with new columns describing
each observation:
.fittedFitted values of model
.cooksdCooks distance, cooks.distance
glance returns a one-row data.frame with the columns
pseudo.r.squaredthe deviance of the null model
logLikthe data's log-likelihood under the model
AICthe Akaike Information Criterion
BICthe Bayesian Information Criterion
df.residualresidual degrees of freedom
df.nulldegrees of freedom under the null