All tidying methods return a data.frame
without rownames.
The structure depends on the method chosen.
When parameters="non-varying"
(the default), tidy.stanreg
one row for each coefficient, with three columns:
termThe name of the corresponding term in the model.
estimateA point estimate of the coefficient (posterior median).
std.errorA standard error for the point estimate based on
. See the Uncertainty estimates section in
for more details.
For models with group-specific parameters (e.g., models fit with
rstanarm::stan_glmer()), setting parameters="varying"
selects the group-level parameters instead of the non-varying regression
coefficients. Additional columns are added indicating the level and
group. Specifying parameters="hierarchical" selects the
standard deviations and (for certain models) correlations of the group-level
Setting parameters="auxiliary" will select parameters other than those
included by the other options. The particular parameters depend on which
rstanarm modeling function was used to fit the model. For example, for
models fit using rstanarm::stan_glm.nb() the overdispersion
parameter is included if parameters="aux", for
rstanarm::stan_lm() the auxiliary parameters include the residual
SD, R^2, and log(fit_ratio), etc.
If intervals=TRUE, columns for the lower and upper
values of the posterior intervals computed with
rstanarm::posterior_interval() are also included.
glance returns one row with the columns
algorithmThe algorithm used to fit the model.
pssThe posterior sample size (except for models fit using
nobsThe number of observations used to fit the model.
sigmaThe square root of the estimated residual variance, if
applicable. If not applicable (e.g., for binomial GLMs), sigma
be given the value 1
in the returned object.
If looic=TRUE, then the following additional columns are also
looicThe LOO Information Criterion.
elpd_looThe expected log predictive density (elpd_loo = -2 * looic
p_looThe effective number of parameters.