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bslib (version 0.8.0)

bs_current_theme: Obtain the currently active theme at render time


Intended for advanced use by developers to obtain the currently active theme at render time and primarily for implementing themable widgets that can't otherwise be themed via bs_dependency_defer() .


bs_current_theme(session = get_current_session(FALSE))


Returns a bs_theme() object.



The current Shiny session (if any).


This function should generally only be called at print/render time. For example:

Calling this function at print/render time is important because it does different things based on the context in which it's called:

  • If a reactive context is active, session$getCurrentTheme() is called (which is a reactive read).

  • If no reactive context is active, shiny::getCurrentTheme() is called (which returns the current app's theme, if relevant).

  • If shiny::getCurrentTheme() comes up empty, then bs_global_get() is called, which is relevant for rmarkdown::html_document(), and possibly other static rendering contexts.

See Also

Other Bootstrap theme functions: bs_add_variables(), bs_dependency(), bs_global_theme(), bs_remove(), bs_theme(), bs_theme_dependencies(), bs_theme_preview()