Learn R Programming

cSEM (version 0.6.0)

calculateReliabilities: Internal: Calculate Reliabilities


Internal: Calculate Reliabilities


  .X = args_default()$.X,
  .S = args_default()$.S,
  .W = args_default()$.W,
  .approach_weights = args_default()$.approach_weights,
  .csem_model = args_default()$.csem_model,
  .disattenuate = args_default()$.disattenuate,
  .PLS_approach_cf = args_default()$.PLS_approach_cf,
  .reliabilities = args_default()$.reliabilities



A matrix of processed data (scaled, cleaned and ordered).


The (K x K) empirical indicator correlation matrix.


A (J x K) matrix of weights.


Character string. Approach used to obtain composite weights. One of: "PLS-PM", "SUMCORR", "MAXVAR", "SSQCORR", "MINVAR", "GENVAR", "GSCA", "PCA", "unit", "bartlett", or "regression". Defaults to "PLS-PM".


A (possibly incomplete) cSEMModel-list.


Logical. Should composite/proxy correlations be disattenuated to yield consistent loadings and path estimates if at least one of the construct is modeled as a common factor? Defaults to TRUE.


Character string. Approach used to obtain the correction factors for PLSc. One of: "dist_squared_euclid", "dist_euclid_weighted", "fisher_transformed", "mean_arithmetic", "mean_geometric", "mean_harmonic", "geo_of_harmonic". Defaults to "dist_squared_euclid". Ignored if .disattenuate = FALSE or if .approach_weights is not PLS-PM.


A character vector of "name" = value pairs, where value is a number between 0 and 1 and "name" a character string of the corresponding construct name, or NULL. Reliabilities may be given for a subset of the constructs. Defaults to NULL in which case reliabilities are estimated by csem(). Currently, only supported for .approach_weights = "PLS-PM".