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cSEM (version 0.6.0)

classifyConstructs: Internal: Classify structural model terms by type


Classify terms of the structural model according to their type.


classifyConstructs(.terms = args_default()$.terms)


A named list of length equal to the number of terms provided containing a data frame with columns "Term_class", "Component", "Component_type", and "Component_freq".



A vector of construct names to be classified.


Classification is required to estimate nonlinear structural relationships. Currently the following terms are supported

  • Single, e.g., eta1

  • Quadratic, e.g., eta1.eta1

  • Cubic, e.g., eta1.eta1.eta1

  • Two-way interaction, e.g., eta1.eta2

  • Three-way interaction, e.g., eta1.eta2.eta3

  • Quadratic and two-way interaction, e.g., eta1.eta1.eta3

Note that exponential terms are modeled as "interactions with itself" as in i.e., eta1^3 = eta1.eta1.eta1.