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cSEM (version 0.6.0)

csem_model: cSEMModel





An object of class cSEMModel is a standardized list containing the following components. J stands for the number of constructs and K for the number of indicators.


A matrix mimicking the structural relationship between constructs. If constructs are only linearly related, structural is of dimension (J x J) with row- and column names equal to the construct names. If the structural model contains nonlinear relationships structural is (J x (J + J*)) where J* is the number of nonlinear terms. Rows are ordered such that exogenous constructs are always first, followed by constructs that only depend on exogenous constructs and/or previously ordered constructs.


A (J x K) matrix mimicking the measurement/composite relationship between constructs and their related indicators. Rows are in the same order as the matrix $structural with row names equal to the construct names. The order of the columns is such that $measurement forms a block diagonal matrix.


A (K x K) matrix mimicking the measurement error correlation relationship. The row and column order is identical to the column order of $measurement.


A matrix indicating the correlation relationships between any variables of the model as specified by the user. Mainly for internal purposes. Note that $cor_specified may also contain inadmissible correlations such as a correlation between measurement errors indicators and constructs.


A named vector containing the names of each construct and their respective type ("Common factor" or "Composite").


A named vector containing the names of each construct and their respective order ("First order" or "Second order").


The type of model ("Linear" or "Nonlinear").


Only if instruments are supplied: a list of structural equations relating endogenous RHS variables to instruments.


The names of the indicators (i.e., observed variables and/or first-order constructs)


The names of the exogenous constructs of the structural model (i.e., variables that do not appear on the LHS of any structural equation)


The names of the endogenous constructs of the structural model (i.e., variables that appear on the LHS of at least one structural equation)


The names of the constructs modeled as second orders.


The names of the constructs forming or building a second order construct.


The names of the constructs not forming or building a second order construct.

It is possible to supply an incomplete list to parseModel(), resulting in an incomplete cSEMModel list which can be passed to all functions that require .csem_model as a mandatory argument. Currently, only the structural and the measurement matrix are required. However, specifying an incomplete cSEMModel list may lead to unexpected behavior and errors. Use with care.


A standardized list containing model-related information. To convert a a model written in lavaan model syntax to a cSEMModel list use parseModel().

See Also
