Learn R Programming

cSEM (version 0.6.0)

csem_results: cSEMResults


A call to csem() results in an object with at least two class attributes. The first class attribute is always cSEMResults no matter the type of data or model provided. The second is one of cSEMResults_default, cSEMResults_multi, or cSEMResults_2ndorder and depends on the estimated model and/or the type of data provided to the .model and .data arguments of csem(). The third class attribute cSEMResults_resampled is only added if resampling was conducted.



Depending on the type of data and/or model provided three different output types exists.


This will be the structure for the vast majority of applications. If the data is a single matrix or data.frame with no id-column, the result is a list with elements:


A list containing a list of estimated quantities.


A list containing a list of additional information.

The resulting object has classes cSEMResults and cSEMResults_default.


If the data provided is a single matrix or data.frame containing an id-column to split the data by G group levels or if a list of G datasets is provided, the resulting object is a list of G lists, where G is equal to the number of groups or the number of datasets in the list of datasets provided. Each of the G list elements is itself a cSEMResults_default object. Hence its structure is identical to the structure described in _default.

The resulting object has classes cSEMResults and cSEMResults_multi.


A special output is generated if the model to estimate contains hierarchical constructs and the "2stage" or "mixed" approach is used to estimate the model. In this case the resulting object is a list containing two elements First_stage and Second_stage.

Each list element is itself a cSEMResults_default object. Hence its structure is identical to the structure described in _default.

If .resample_method = "bootstrap" or .resample_method = "jackknife", resamples are attached to each object. For objects of class cSEMResults_default the resamples are attached to .object$Estimates$Estimates_resample. For objects of class cSEMResults_multi the same is done by group. For objects of class cSEMResults_2ndorder the resamples are attached to the .object$Second_stage$Information$Resamples. All objects containing these elements gain the cSEMResults_resampled class.