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cSEM (version 0.6.0)

estimatePath: Internal: Estimate the structural coefficients


Estimates the coefficients of the structural model (nonlinear and linear) using OLS, 2SLS. The latter currently work for linear models only.


 .approach_nl      = args_default()$.approach_nl,
 .approach_paths   = args_default()$.approach_paths,
 .csem_model       = args_default()$.csem_model,
 .H                = args_default()$.H,
 .normality        = args_default()$.normality,
 .P                = args_default()$.P,
 .Q                = args_default()$.Q


A named list containing the estimated structural coefficients, the R2, the adjusted R2, and the VIFs for each regression.



Character string. Approach used to estimate nonlinear structural relationships. One of: "sequential" or "replace". Defaults to "sequential".


Character string. Approach used to estimate the structural coefficients. One of: "OLS" or "2SLS". If "2SLS", instruments need to be supplied to .instruments. Defaults to "OLS".


A (possibly incomplete) cSEMModel-list.


The (N x J) matrix of construct scores.


Logical. Should joint normality of \([\eta_{1:p}; \zeta; \epsilon]\) be assumed in the nonlinear model? See Dijkstra2014cSEM for details. Defaults to FALSE. Ignored if the model is not nonlinear.


A (J x J) construct variance-covariance matrix (possibly disattenuated).


A vector of composite-construct correlations with element names equal to the names of the J construct names used in the measurement model. Note Q^2 is also called the reliability coefficient.