Learn R Programming

cSEM (version 0.6.0)

getParameterNames: Internal: Parameter names


Based on a model in lavaan model syntax, returns the names of the parameters of the structural model, the measurement/composite model and the weight relationship. Used by testMGD() to extract the names of the parameters to compare across groups according to the test proposed by Chin2010;textualcSEM.


           .object  = args_default()$.object,
           .model   = args_default()$.model


A list with elements names_path, names_loadings, and names_weights

containing the names of the structural parameters, the loadings, and the weight to compare across groups.



An R object of class cSEMResults resulting from a call to csem().


A model in lavaan model syntax indicating which parameters (i.e, path (~), loadings (=~), or weights (<~)) should be compared across groups. Defaults to NULL in which case all parameters of the model are compared.
