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cSEM (version 0.6.0)

plot.cSEMNonlinearEffects: cSEMNonlinearEffects method for plot()


This plot method can be used to create plots to analyze non-linear models in more depth. In doing so the following plot types can be selected:

.plot_type = "simpleeffects":

The plot of a simple effects analysis displays the predicted value of the dependent variable for different values of the independent variable and the moderator. As levels for the moderator the levels provided to the doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis() function are used. Since the constructs are standardized the values of the moderator equals the deviation from its mean measured in standard deviations.

.plot_type = "surface":

The plot of a surface analysis displays the predicted values of an independent variable (z). The values are predicted based on the values of the moderator and the independent variable including all their higher-order terms. For the values of the moderator and the independent variable steps between their minimum and maximum values are used.

.plot_type = "floodlight":

The plot of a floodlight analysis displays the direct effect of an continuous independent variable (z) on a dependent variable (y) conditional on the values of a continuous moderator variable (x), including the confidence interval and the Johnson-Neyman points. It is noted that in the floodlight plot only moderation is taken into account and higher order terms are ignored. For more details, see Spiller2013;textualcSEM.

Plot the predicted values of an independent variable (z) The values are predicted based on a certain moderator and a certain independent variable including all their higher-order terms.


# S3 method for cSEMNonlinearEffects
plot(x, .plot_type = "simpleeffects", .plot_package = "plotly", ...)



An R object of class cSEMNonlinearEffects.


A character string indicating the type of plot that should be produced. Options are "simpleeffects", "surface", and "floodlight". Defaults to "simpleeffects".


A character vector indicating the plot package used. Options are "plotly", and "persp". Defaults to "plotly".


Additional parameters that can be passed to graphics::persp, e.g., to rotate the plot.

See Also
