Compute several reliability estimates. See the Reliability section of the cSEM website for details.
.object = NULL,
.model_implied = TRUE,
.only_common_factors = TRUE,
.weighted = FALSE
.object = NULL,
.alpha = 0.05,
.closed_form_ci = FALSE,
.only_common_factors = TRUE,
.output_type = c("vector", "data.frame"),
.weighted = FALSE,
For calculateRhoC()
and calculateRhoT()
(if .output_type = "vector"
a named numeric vector containing the reliability estimates.
If .output_type = "data.frame"
returns a data.frame
with as many rows as there are
constructs modeled as common factors in the model (unless
.only_common_factors = FALSE
in which case the number of rows equals the
total number of constructs in the model). The first column contains the name of the construct.
The second column the reliability estimate.
If .closed_form_ci = TRUE
the remaining columns contain lower and upper bounds
for the (1 - .alpha
) confidence interval(s).
An R object of class cSEMResults resulting from a call to csem()
Logical. Should weights be scaled using the model-implied
indicator correlation matrix? Defaults to TRUE
Logical. Should only concepts modeled as common
factors be included when calculating one of the following quality criteria:
AVE, the Fornell-Larcker criterion, HTMT, and all reliability estimates.
Defaults to TRUE
Logical. Should estimation be based on a score that uses
the weights of the weight approach used to obtain .object
?. Defaults to FALSE
An integer or a numeric vector of significance levels.
Defaults to 0.05
Logical. Should a closed-form confidence interval be computed?
Defaults to FALSE
Character string. The type of output. One of "vector" or "data.frame". Defaults to "vector".
: Calculate the congeneric reliability
: Calculate the tau-equivalent reliability
Since reliability is defined with respect to a classical true score measurement
model only concepts modeled as common factors are considered by default.
For concepts modeled as composites reliability may be estimated by setting
.only_common_factors = FALSE
, however, it is unclear how to
interpret reliability in this case.
Reliability is traditionally based on a test score (proxy) based on unit weights.
To compute congeneric and tau-equivalent reliability based on a score that
uses the weights of the weight approach used to obtain .object
use .weighted = TRUE
For the tau-equivalent reliability ("rho_T
" or "cronbachs_alpha
") a closed-form
confidence interval may be computed Trinchera2018cSEM by setting
.closed_form_ci = TRUE
(default is FALSE
). If .alpha
is a vector
several CIs are returned.
, cSEMResults