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cSEM (version 0.6.0)

setDominantIndicator: Internal: Set the dominant indicator


Set the dominant indicator for each construct. Since the sign of the weights, and thus the loadings is often not determined, a dominant indicator can be chosen per block. The sign of the weights are chosen that the correlation between the dominant indicator and the composite is positive.


 .W                   = args_default()$.W,
 .dominant_indicators = args_default()$.dominant_indicators, 
 .S                   = args_default()$.S


The (J x K) matrix of weights with the dominant indicator set.



A (J x K) matrix of weights.


A character vector of "construct_name" = "indicator_name" pairs, where "indicator_name" is a character string giving the name of the dominant indicator and "construct_name" a character string of the corresponding construct name. Dominant indicators may be specified for a subset of the constructs. Default to NULL.


The (K x K) empirical indicator correlation matrix.