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camtrapR (version 2.2.0)

recordTableIndividualSample: Sample single-species record table with custom metadata from camera trap images


Sample single-species record table with individual IDs from the tagged sample images in the package. Generated with function recordTableIndividual.





A data frame with 21 rows and 17 variables


The variables are as follows:

Station Camera trap station ID
Species Species ID
Individual Individual ID
DateTimeOriginal Date and time as extracted from image
Date record date
Time record time of day
delta.time.secs time difference to first species record at a station (seconds)
delta.time.mins time difference to first species record at a station (minutes)
delta.time.hours time difference to first species record at a station (hours)
delta.time.days time difference to first species record at a station (days)
Directory Image directory
FileName image filename
HierarchicalSubject content of the HierarchicalSubject image metadata tag
Model camera model extracted from image metadata
Make camera make extracted from image metadata
metadata_Species content of custom image metadata tag "Species" (see HierarchicalSubject)
metadata_individual content of custom image metadata tag "individual" (see HierarchicalSubject)