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Soils: Soil Compositions of Physical and Chemical Characteristics


Soil characteristics were measured on samples from three types of contours (Top, Slope, and Depression) and at four depths (0-10cm, 10-30cm, 30-60cm, and 60-90cm). The area was divided into 4 blocks, in a randomized block design. (Suggested by Michael Friendly.)





Horton, I. F.,Russell, J. S., and Moore, A. W. (1968) Multivariate-covariance and canonical analysis: A method for selecting the most effective discriminators in a multivariate situation. Biometrics 24, 845--858. http://www.stat.lsu.edu/faculty/moser/exst7037/soils.sas


These data provide good examples of MANOVA and canonical discriminant analysis in a somewhat complex multivariate setting. They may be treated as a one-way design (ignoring Block), by using either Group or Gp as the factor, or a two-way randomized block design using Block, Contour and Depth (quantitative, so orthogonal polynomial contrasts are useful).


Khattree, R., and Naik, D. N. (2000) Multivariate Data Reduction and Discrimination with SAS Software. SAS Institute. Friendly, M. (2006) Data ellipses, HE plots and reduced-rank displays for multivariate linear models: SAS software and examples. Journal of Statistical Software, 17(6), http://www.jstatsoft.org/v17/i06.