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classDist: Compute and predict the distances to class centroids


This function computes the class centroids and covariance matrix for a training set for determining Mahalanobis distances of samples to each class centroid.


classDist(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'default': classDist(x, y, groups = 5, pca = FALSE, keep = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'classDist': predict(object, newdata, trans = log, ...)


a matrix or data frame of predictor variables
a numeric or factor vector of class labels
an integer for the number of bins for splitting a numeric outcome
a logical: should principal components analysis be applied to the dataset prior to splitting the data by class?
an integer for the number of PCA components that should by used to predict new samples (NULL uses all within a tolerance of sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
an object of class classDist
a matrix or data frame. If vars was previously specified, these columns should be in newdata
an optional function that can be applied to each class distance. trans = NULL will not apply a function
optional arguments to pass (not currently used)


  • for classDist, an object of class classDist with elements:
  • valuesa list with elements for each class. Each element contains a mean vector for the class centroid and the inverse of the class covariance matrix
  • classesa character vector of class labels
  • pcathe results of prcomp when pca = TRUE
  • callthe function call
  • pthe number of variables
  • na vector of samples sizes per class
  • For predict.classDist, a matrix with columns for each class. The columns names are the names of the class with the prefix dist.. In the case of numeric y, the class labels are the percentiles. For example, of groups = 9, the variable names would be dist.11.11, dist.22.22, etc.


For factor outcomes, the data are split into groups for each class and the mean and covariance matrix are calculated. These are then used to compute Mahalanobis distances to the class centers (using predict.classDist The function will check for non-singular matrices.

For numeric outcomes, the data are split into roughly equal sized bins based on groups. Percentiles are used to split the data.

See Also



Run this code
trainSet <- sample(1:150, 100)

distData <- classDist(iris[trainSet, 1:4], 

newDist <- predict(distData,
                   iris[-trainSet, 1:4])

splom(newDist, groups = iris$Species[-trainSet])

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