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caret (version 6.0-73)

diff.resamples: Inferential Assessments About Model Performance


Methods for making inferences about differences between models


"diff"(x, models = x$models, metric = x$metrics, test = t.test, confLevel = 0.95, adjustment = "bonferroni", ...)
"summary"(object, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
compare_models(a, b, metric = a$metric[1])


an object generated by resamples
a character string for which models to compare
a character string for which metrics to compare
a function to compute differences. The output of this function should have scalar outputs called estimate and p.value
confidence level to use for dotplot.diff.resamples. See Details below.
any p-value adjustment method to pass to p.adjust.
a object generated by diff.resamples
the number of significant differences to display when printing
a, b
two objects of class train, sbf or rfe with a common set of resampling indices in the control object.
further arguments to pass to test


An object of class "diff.resamples" with elements: with elements:or...An object of class "summary.diff.resamples" with elements: with elements:...or (for compare_models) an object of class htest resulting from t.test.


The ideas and methods here are based on Hothorn et al. (2005) and Eugster et al. (2008).

For each metric, all pair-wise differences are computed and tested to assess if the difference is equal to zero.

When a Bonferroni correction is used, the confidence level is changed from confLevel to 1-((1-confLevel)/p) here p is the number of pair-wise comparisons are being made. For other correction methods, no such change is used.

compare_models is a shorthand function to compare two models using a single metric. It returns the results of t.test on the differences.


Hothorn et al. The design and analysis of benchmark experiments. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (2005) vol. 14 (3) pp. 675-699

Eugster et al. Exploratory and inferential analysis of benchmark experiments. Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Department of Statistics, Tech. Rep (2008) vol. 30

See Also

resamples, dotplot.diff.resamples, densityplot.diff.resamples, bwplot.diff.resamples, levelplot.diff.resamples


Run this code

## Not run: 
# #load(url("http://topepo.github.io/caret/exampleModels.RData"))
# resamps <- resamples(list(CART = rpartFit,
#                           CondInfTree = ctreeFit,
#                           MARS = earthFit))
# difs <- diff(resamps)
# difs
# summary(difs)
# compare_models(rpartFit, ctreeFit)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab