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caret (version 6.0-88)

gafs_initial: Ancillary genetic algorithm functions


Built-in functions related to genetic algorithms

These functions are used with the functions argument of the gafsControl function. More information on the details of these functions are at http://topepo.github.io/caret/feature-selection-using-genetic-algorithms.html.

Most of the gafs_* functions are based on those from the GA package by Luca Scrucca. These functions here are small re-writes to work outside of the GA package.

The objects caretGA, rfGA and treebagGA are example lists that can be used with the functions argument of gafsControl.

In the case of caretGA, the ... structure of gafs passes through to the model fitting routine. As a consequence, the train function can easily be accessed by passing important arguments belonging to train to gafs. See the examples below. By default, using caretGA will used the resampled performance estimates produced by train as the internal estimate of fitness.

For rfGA and treebagGA, the randomForest and bagging functions are used directly (i.e. train is not used). Arguments to either of these functions can also be passed to them though the gafs call (see examples below). For these two functions, the internal fitness is estimated using the out-of-bag estimates naturally produced by those functions. While faster, this limits the user to accuracy or Kappa (for classification) and RMSE and R-squared (for regression).


gafs_initial(vars, popSize, ...)

gafs_lrSelection(population, fitness, r = NULL, q = NULL, ...)

gafs_spCrossover(population, fitness, parents, ...)

gafs_raMutation(population, parent, ...)

gafs_nlrSelection(population, fitness, q = 0.25, ...)

gafs_rwSelection(population, fitness, ...)

gafs_tourSelection(population, fitness, k = 3, ...)

gafs_uCrossover(population, parents, ...)



number of possible predictors


the population size passed into gafs

not currently used


a binary matrix of the current subsets with predictors in columns and individuals in rows


a vector of fitness values

r, q, k

tuning parameters for the specific selection operator

parent, parents

integer(s) for which chromosomes are altered


The return value depends on the function.


Scrucca L (2013). GA: A Package for Genetic Algorithms in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 53(4), 1-37.



See Also

gafs, gafsControl


Run this code
pop <- gafs_initial(vars = 10, popSize = 10)

gafs_lrSelection(population = pop, fitness = 1:10)

gafs_spCrossover(population = pop, fitness = 1:10, parents = 1:2)

# }
## Hypothetical examples
lda_ga <- gafs(x = predictors,
               y = classes,
               gafsControl = gafsControl(functions = caretGA),
               ## now pass arguments to `train`
               method = "lda",
               metric = "Accuracy"
               trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", classProbs = TRUE))

rf_ga <- gafs(x = predictors,
              y = classes,
              gafsControl = gafsControl(functions = rfGA),
              ## these are arguments to `randomForest`
              ntree = 1000,
              importance = TRUE)
# }

# }

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