Create and integrate maps in your R workflow. This package allows various cartographic representations such as proportional symbols, choropleth, typology, flows or discontinuities maps. It also offers several features enhancing the graphic presentation of maps like cartographic palettes, layout elements (scale, north arrow, title...), labels, legends or access to some cartographic APIs.
A vignette contains commented scripts on how to create various maps
and a cheat sheet displays a quick overview of cartography
main features:
- vignette(topic = "cartography", package = "cartography")
- vignette(topic = "cheatsheet" , package = "cartography")
Main functions :
Proportional symbols maps (circles, squares, bars) propSymbolsLayer, propSymbolsChoroLayer, propSymbolsTypoLayer, propTrianglesLayer
Choropleth maps (main discretization methods are available) choroLayer
Typology maps typoLayer
Flow maps (proportional and classified links) getLinkLayer, propLinkLayer, gradLinkLayer, gradLinkTypoLayer
Discontinuities maps getBorders, discLayer
Cartographic palettes carto.pal
Layout (scale, north arrow, title...) layoutLayer, north, barscale
Labels labelLayer
Legends legendBarsSymbols, legendChoro, legendCirclesSymbols, legendGradLines, legendPropLines, legendPropTriangles, legendSquaresSymbols, legendTypo
Access to cartographic APIs (via rosm package) getTiles, tilesLayer
Irregular polygons to regular grid, transformation with data handling getGridLayer