Process data instances, a list of multiple datasets generated via generate_instance_lfc or generate_instance_roc. This function applies evaluate to all datasets.
instance = NULL,
contrast = "cases::define_contrast('raw', NA)",
benchmark = 0.5,
alpha = 0.05,
alternative = "greater",
adjustment = "none",
transformation = "none",
analysis = "co-primary",
regu = "c(1,1/2,1/4)",
pars = "list()",
data = NULL,
job = list(id = NA)
standardized evaluation results
generated via generate_instance_lfc or generate_instance_roc.
object, specified via define_contrast
value to compare against (RHS), should have same length as data.
numeric, significance level (default: 0.05)
character, specify alternative hypothesis
character, specify type of statistical adjustment taken to address multiplicity
character, define transformation to ensure results (e.g. point estimates, confidence limits) lie in unit interval ("none" (default) or "logit")
character, "co-primary" (default; only option currently)
numeric vector of length 3, specify type of shrinkage. Alternatively, logical of length one (TRUE := c(2, 1, 1/2), FALSE := c(0, 0, 0))
further parameters given as named list
additional named parameters
ignored (for batchtools compatibility)
for batchtools compatibility, do not change
Utilizes same arguments as evaluate unless mentioned above.