# Example 1 Based on Schafer's p. 329 and ss. This is a toy version,
# using a much shorter length of chain than required. To
# generate results comparable with those in the book, edit
# the \dontrun{ } line below and comment the previous one.
EB <- ifelse(B1==B2,1,0)
EI <- ifelse(I1==I2,1,0)
belt.frame <- cbind(belt.frame,EB,EI)
a <- xtabs(Freq ~ D + S + B2 + I2 + EB + EI,
m <- list(c(1,2,3,4),c(3,4,5,6),c(1,5),
b <- loglin(a,margin=m) # fits (DSB2I2)B2I2EBEI)(DEB)(DEI)(SEI)
# in Schafer's p. 304
a <- xtabs(Freq ~ D + S + B2 + I2 + B1 + I1,
m <- list(c(1,2,5,6),c(1,2,3,4),c(3,4,5,6),
b <- loglin(a,margin=m) # fits (DSB1I1)(DSB2I2)(B2I2B1I1)(DB1B2)
# (DI1I2)(SI1I2) in Schafer's p. 329
s <- prelim.cat(x=belt[,-7],counts=belt[,7])
m <- c(1,2,5,6,0,1,2,3,4,0,3,4,5,6,0,1,3,5,0,1,4,6,0,2,4,6)
theta <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m, # excruciantingly slow; needs 2558
maxits=5000) # iterations.
# Now ten multiple imputations of the missing variables B2, I2 are
# generated, by running a chain and taking every 2500th observation.
# Prior hyperparameter is set at 0.5 as in Shchafer's p. 329
imputations <- vector("list",10)
for (i in 1:10) {
cat("Doing imputation ",i,"\n")
theta <- dabipf(s,m,theta,prior=0.5, # toy chain; for comparison with
steps=25) # results in Schafer's book the next
# statement should be run,
# rather than this one.
if (FALSE) theta <- dabipf(s,m,theta,prior=0.5,steps=2500)
imputations[[i]] <- imp.cat(s,theta)
# Example 2 (reproduces analysis performed in Schafer's p. 327.)
# Caveat! I try to reproduce what has been done in that page, but although
# the general appearance of the boxplots generated below is quite similar to
# that of Schafer's Fig. 8.4 (p. 327), the VALUES of the log odds do not
# quite fall in line with those reported by said author. It doesn't look like
# the difference can be traced to decimal vs. natural logs. On the other hand,
# Fig. 8.4 refers to log odds, while the text near the end of page 327 gives
# 1.74 and 1.50 as the means of the *odds* (not log odds). FT, 22.7.2003.
data(older) # reading data
x <- older[,1:6] # preliminary manipulations
counts <- older[,7]
s <- prelim.cat(x,counts)
colnames(x) # names of columns
m <- c(1,2,3,4,5,0,1,2,3,5,6,0,4,3) # model (ASPMG)(ASPMD)(GD) in
# Schafer's p. 327
# do analysis with different priors
theta <- ecm.cat(s,m,prior=1.5) # Strong pull to uniform table
# for initial estimates
prob1 <- dabipf(s,m,theta,steps=100, # Burn-in period
prob2 <- dabipf(s,m,theta,steps=100, # Id. with second prior
lodds <- matrix(0,5000,2) # Where to store log odds ratios.
oddsr <- function(x) { # Odds ratio of 2 x 2 table.
o <- (x[1,1]*x[2,2])/
for(i in 1:5000) { # Now generate 5000 log odds
prob1 <- dabipf(s,m,prob1, prior=0.1)
t1 <- apply(prob1,c(1,2),sum) # Marginal GD table
# Log odds ratio
lodds[i,1] <- log(oddsr(t1))
prob2 <- dabipf(s,m,prob2, prior=1.5) # Id. with second prior
t2 <- apply(prob2,c(1,2),sum)
lodds[i,2] <- log(oddsr(t2))
lodds <- as.data.frame(lodds)
colnames(lodds) <- c("0.1","1.5") # Similar to Schafer's Fig. 8.4.
boxplot(lodds,xlab="Prior hyperparameter")
title(main="Log odds ratio generated with DABIPF (5000 draws)")
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