## Dichotomous models ##
# Loading the 'tcals' parameters
# Selecting item parameters only
bank <- as.matrix(tcals[,1:4])
# Selection of two arbitrary items (15 and 20) of the
# 'tcals' data set
it.given <- bank[c(15, 20),]
# Creation of a response pattern
x <- c(0, 1)
# KL for item 1, ML estimate of ability computed
KL(bank, 1, x, it.given)
# Current (ML) ability estimate
theta <- thetaEst(it.given, x, method = "ML")
KL(bank, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta)
# WL ability estimate instead
theta <- thetaEst(it.given, x, method = "WL")
KL(bank, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta)
# KLP for item 1
KL(bank, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, type = "KLP")
# KLP for item 1, different integration range
KL(bank, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, type = "KLP", lower = -2, upper = 2, nqp = 20)
# KL for item 1, uniform prior distribution on the range [-2,2]
KL(bank, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, type = "KLP", priorDist = "unif",
priorPar = c(-2, 2))
# Computation of likelihood function beforehand
L <- function(th, r, param)
prod(Pi(th, param)$Pi^r * (1 - Pi(th,param)$Pi)^(1 - r))
xx <- seq(from = -4, to = 4, length = 33)
y <- sapply(xx, L, x, it.given)
KL(bank, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, X = xx, lik = y)
## Polytomous models ##
# Generation of an item bank under GRM with 100 items and at most 4 categories
m.GRM <- genPolyMatrix(100, 4, "GRM")
m.GRM <- as.matrix(m.GRM)
# Selection of two arbitrary items (15 and 20)
it.given <- m.GRM[c(15, 20),]
# Generation of a response pattern (true ability level 0)
x <- genPattern(0, it.given, model = "GRM")
# KL for item 1, ML estimate of ability computed
KL(m.GRM, 1, x, it.given, model = "GRM")
# Current (ML) ability estimate
theta <- thetaEst(it.given, x, method = "ML", model = "GRM")
KL(m.GRM, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, model = "GRM")
# WL ability estimate instead
theta <- thetaEst(it.given, x, method = "WL", model = "GRM")
KL(m.GRM, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, model = "GRM")
# KLP for item 1
KL(m.GRM, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, model = "GRM", type = "KLP")
# KLP for item 1, different integration range
KL(m.GRM, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, model = "GRM", type = "KLP", lower = -2,
upper = 2, nqp = 20)
# KL for item 1, uniform prior distribution on the range [-2,2]
KL(m.GRM, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, model = "GRM", type = "KLP",
priorDist = "unif", priorPar = c(-2, 2))
# Loading the cat_pav data
cat_pav <- as.matrix(cat_pav)
# Selection of two arbitrary items (15 and 20)
it.given <- cat_pav[c(15, 20),]
# Generation of a response pattern (true ability level 0)
x <- genPattern(0, it.given, model = "GPCM")
# KL for item 1, ML estimate of ability computed
KL(cat_pav, 1, x, it.given, model = "GPCM")
# Current (ML) ability estimate
theta <- thetaEst(it.given, x, method = "ML", model = "GPCM")
KL(cat_pav, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, model = "GPCM")
# WL ability estimate instead
theta <- thetaEst(it.given, x, method = "WL", model = "GPCM")
KL(cat_pav, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, model = "GPCM")
# KLP for item 1
KL(cat_pav, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, model = "GPCM", type = "KLP")
# KLP for item 1, different integration range
KL(cat_pav, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, model = "GPCM", type = "KLP", lower = -2,
upper = 2, nqp = 20)
# KL for item 1, uniform prior distribution on the range [-2,2]
KL(cat_pav, 1, x, it.given, theta = theta, model = "GPCM", type = "KLP",
priorDist = "unif", priorPar = c(-2, 2))
# }
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