# Creation of a 'stop' list with two possible rules
stop <- list(rule = c("length", "precision"), thr = c(20, 0.3))
# Example of successful 'length' rule
checkStopRule(th = 0.35, se = 0.41, N = 20, stop = stop)
# Example of successful 'precision' rule
checkStopRule(th = 0.35, se = 0.29, N = 15, stop = stop)
# Example of jointly successful 'length' and 'precision' rules
checkStopRule(th = 0.35, se = 0.29, N = 20, stop = stop)
# Example without sucessfull rule
checkStopRule(th = 0.35, se = 0.31, N = 18, stop = stop)
# Creation of a short bank of available items under 2PL
it <- genDichoMatrix(items = 5, model = "2PL", seed = 1)
# Computation of maximum information at ability level 0.35
maxI <- max(Ii(0.35, it)$Ii)
# Creation of a 'stop' list with four possible rules and too large threshold for 'minInfo'
stop <- list(rule = c("length", "precision", "classification", "minInfo"),
thr = c(20, 0.3, 1, maxI-0.01), alpha = 0.05)
# Example with sucessfull 'classification' rule only
checkStopRule(th = 0.35, se = 0.31, N = 18, it = it, stop = stop)
# Creation of a 'stop' list with four possible rules and too large threshold for 'minInfo'
stop <- list(rule = c("length", "precision", "classification", "minInfo"),
thr = c(20, 0.3, 1, maxI+0.01), alpha = 0.05)
# Example with sucessfull 'minInfo' rule only
checkStopRule(th = 0.35, se = 0.55, N = 18, it = it, stop = stop)
# }
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