## Dichotomous models ##
# Loading the 'tcals' parameters
# Selecting item parameters only
tcals <- as.matrix(tcals[,1:4])
# Creation of a response pattern (tcals item parameters,
# true ability level 0)
x <- genPattern(0, tcals)
# EAP estimation, standard normal prior distribution
th <- eapEst(tcals, x)
c(th, eapSem(th, tcals, x))
# EAP estimation, uniform prior distribution upon range [-2,2]
th <- eapEst(tcals, x, priorDist = "unif", priorPar = c(-2, 2))
c(th, eapSem(th, tcals, x, priorDist = "unif", priorPar=c(-2, 2)))
# EAP estimation, Jeffreys' prior distribution
th <- eapEst(tcals, x, priorDist = "Jeffreys")
c(th, eapSem(th, tcals, x, priorDist = "Jeffreys"))
# }
## Polytomous models ##
# Generation of an item bank under GRM with 100 items and at most 4 categories
m.GRM <- genPolyMatrix(100, 4, "GRM")
m.GRM <- as.matrix(m.GRM)
# Creation of a response pattern (true ability level 0)
x <- genPattern(0, m.GRM, model = "GRM")
# EAP estimation, standard normal prior distribution
th <- eapEst(m.GRM, x, model = "GRM")
c(th, eapSem(th, m.GRM, x, model = "GRM"))
# EAP estimation, uniform prior distribution upon range [-2,2]
th <- eapEst(m.GRM, x, model = "GRM", priorDist = "unif", priorPar = c(-2, 2))
c(th, eapSem(th, m.GRM, x, model = "GRM", priorDist = "unif", priorPar = c(-2, 2)))
# EAP estimation, Jeffreys' prior distribution
th <- eapEst(m.GRM, x, model = "GRM", priorDist = "Jeffreys")
c(th, eapSem(th, m.GRM, x, model = "GRM", priorDist = "Jeffreys"))
# Loading the cat_pav data
cat_pav <- as.matrix(cat_pav)
# Creation of a response pattern (true ability level 0)
x <- genPattern(0, cat_pav, model = "GPCM")
# EAP estimation, standard normal prior distribution
th <- eapEst(cat_pav, x, model = "GPCM")
c(th, eapSem(th, cat_pav, x, model = "GPCM"))
# EAP estimation, uniform prior distribution upon range [-2,2]
th <- eapEst(cat_pav, x, model = "GPCM", priorDist = "unif", priorPar = c(-2, 2))
c(th, eapSem(th, cat_pav, x, model = "GPCM", priorDist = "unif", priorPar = c(-2, 2)))
# EAP estimation, Jeffreys' prior distribution
th <- eapEst(cat_pav, x, model = "GPCM", priorDist = "Jeffreys")
c(th, eapSem(th, cat_pav, x, model = "GPCM", priorDist = "Jeffreys"))
# }
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