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Sum of branch length of a classification dendrogram (Petchey and Gaston, 2002)
SumBL(traits, gower.dist = TRUE, method.hclust = "average", scale.tr = TRUE, method.dist = "euclidian")
Traits matrix (traits in column)
Calculate gower distance using the function gowdis from package FD.
Define the method for the hclust function (default is "average" i.e. UPGMA).
Does traits need to be scale before multi-traits metric calculation? Only use when gower.dist = FALSE. Default is yes.
Method to calculate the distance in case of multi-traits metric (function dist). Only use when gower.dist = FALSE. Default is euclidian.
The value of the sum of branch length from a classification dendrogram of traits.
Petchey, OL., and Gaston, KJ. 2002. Functional diversity (FD), species richness and community composition. Ecology Letters 5:402-411
# NOT RUN { # } # NOT RUN { data(finch.ind) SumBL(traits.finch) SumBL(traits.finch, gower.dist = FALSE) # } # NOT RUN { # }
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